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4 Biggest Myths About Custom Home Building

The Bordeaux shows off its curb appeal as Lucke's award-winning entry in Homearama 2014 in Carriage Hill.

As a long-time custom home builder in Cincinnati, we’ve come across more than our fair share of myths and hesitations about building a custom home versus pre-designed mass production home or buying a resale.

Whether it’s a concern about budget, time or process, let us reassure you that our top priority is you and your resources. With over 68 years of building experience, the Robert Lucke Group is here to set the record straight on 4 of the biggest myths about custom home building.

Myth 4 – Custom homes are only for the wealthy

The Truth: While the majority of custom home builders in the Cincinnati area specialize in higher-end projects, that doesn’t mean you necessarily have to be a millionaire in order to customize your dream home. The Robert Lucke Group is known for its versatility and flexibility in giving our customers what they desire. In some of our new home developments, it’s possible for us to support a budget as low as $450,000 or $500,000. We know – that’s not exactly your average starter home, but it’s also a long way from having to maintain your $3 million estate, which we can also build.

It’s important to understand how much goes into the planning and construction of any custom home. And if you’re concerned about pricing, remember that your home’s final cost is a large equation made up of everything from the price of your lot, to the total square footage of your home, to the selections and upgrades you choose in the interior design phase. Many of these factors are completely within your own control.

Myth 3 – I need experience in interior decorating, architecture and construction

The Truth: It makes sense to think you might need some level of understanding in architecture or interior decorating in order to have a hand in handcrafting your custom home. How else are you going to know what works and what doesn’t? Luckily for you, this is just a myth. Instead, you’ll rely on the experience of your custom home builder.

At the Robert Lucke Group, we have invested in some of the most talented people in the industry. The experts on our design and sales teams will guide you and make your building process an enjoyable experience as we help you bring your home design vision to life.

Myth 2 – I have to purchase a lot before finding my custom home builder

The Truth: This is an easy one. At least with us, you are more than welcome to go ahead and purchase your home site in advance. If you prefer, Lucke will help you discover the perfect lot, purchase it ourselves and then bundle your house and lot into one convenient closing at the very end. Still, we have plenty of customers who come to us with their lot ready to go. However, waiting until after we’ve had an initial discussion can have some huge added benefits. We will provide you with a lot assessment of any offsite property you’re considering. This will reveal (most) potential hidden costs or issues in the land before you ever officially take ownership and will ensure that the lot itself is well-suited for the home you intend to build there.

If you’ve decided to build within one of our many beautiful new home developments across Greater Cincinnati, you can rest assured that we’ve already done this leg work ahead of time and made certain that these properties are dream home-ready. Of course, there is always a slight chance that something unforeseen could arise. But that’s just part of the risk with any real estate endeavor.

Myth 1 – The custom home design and building process is too overwhelming

The Truth: Perhaps the biggest myth about custom home building is that the design and construction process can become extremely overwhelming. Let’s be clear – it can. There are plenty of decisions to be made.

Ranch or two story? Granite or quartz? Do I include a covered patio now, or add one later?

Some decisions come easily. Others will keep you up at night and haunt your dreams. The best thing you can do is to allow our sales pros, architectural designers and our on-staff interior design expert to work their magic and guide you step-by-step through the process.

The better you can communicate the needs, wants and vision of your custom home to your home builder, the better and quicker we’ll be able to execute it. When we team up, we transform this overwhelming process into a fun and enjoyable experience. We even have customers who claim to miss it when it’s over!


Know what isn’t a myth? How much we enjoy helping you create a place called home.

Let’s start the process of designing your new custom home by contacting our Sales Manager, Randy LaMar: (513) 295-4242;

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